CIGH Bulletin August 2022 No. 28 (58) contents

- Moral Report 2024 1
- International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 7
- 36th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 9
- Speakers of the 36th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 29
- C.I.G.H. - Conseil D’Administration 2023-2026 32
- XXIIIrd Colloquium, Iași, Romania, 2025 33
- XIV Coloquio Internacional de Genealogía, Isla Canarias 34
. XIV Coloquio Internacional de Genealogía, Gotha 36
- La Maza Cerimonial de los Congresos Internacionales de Ciencias Genealógicas y Heráldicas 38
- C.I.G.H. Commission for awards and medals, 41
- II Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Genealogistas 49
- V Congreso Internacional sobre la Nobleza, Madrid 52
- 3rd International colloquium “Genealogy, heraldry and vexillology”, Vilnus 56
- I Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Genealogistas, Madrid 58
- 13th International Colloquium of Genealogy 2023, Vilnius 61
- Family Legends and Myths Watching Out for Red Flags 62
- ICOC-CERT* Against the forgery of honors 65
- Humans Are All More Closely Rela ted Than We Commonly Think 70
- Allemagne 72
- Argentine 75
- Costarica 79
- Australie 84
- Belgique 89
- Bresil 93
- Colombie 97
- Canada 99
- Costarica 107
- Espagne 110
- France 122
- Italie 124
- Lituanie 131
- Royaume Uni 133
CIGH Bulletin August 2024 No. 28 (58) can be downloaded in pdf format.